Fortnight Lingerie & Swim


  • 2017 - 2021

  • Print & Digital Content

    Look Books & Catalogs

    Image Curation & Selects

    Product Line & Sales Sheets

    Promotional Print Collateral

A Canadian-made line of lingerie and swimwear essentials, empowering women to feel like their best, most authentic selves.

For several years I had the pleasure of building all look books and catalogs for Fortnight. This process included designing layouts and curating images from various photoshoots that best encompassed the ethos of the brand. In addition to these, I designed other B2B assets, such as visually engaging line-sheets that showcased flat-lays of garment lines. I also designed a set of foil stamped gift cards for an elevated customer experience.

Product & Lifestyle photos courtesy of Fortnight

Working with Fortnight also included a co-branded collaboration between them and Misfitstudio including a joint logo and look book showcasing a limited edition line of dance-wear.

What made this experience great?

With a background in Fashion Design, I value the high standards of Fortnight’s ethically made garments. Their desire to create classic pieces that endure beyond seasons and trends, is a refreshing approach in a high-turnover industry. This eye for detail and appreciation for minimalism rings true in their marketing materials as well. I also appreciate the inclusivity of their sizing, and that a wide range of bodies are reflected in their visuals.



